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is invaluable if we are to analyse what is happening.
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Principles of Hypnosis (4). Other theories of hypnosis viewed from a systems perspective: they all provide partial insights
Principles of Hypnosis:
Other Theoretical Approaches
It is useful next to examine various other theoretical approaches which have been taken to the subject.
This overview will deepen the understanding of the newcomer. The range of theories is classified with an
eye on the way in which they can be related to particular organic systems. It will be seen that the systems
approach gives a way of unifying discussion and analysis of the whole field. The primary conclusion is
that previous theoretical models have been based on noticing that Hypnotic techniques change the
functioning of one particular system of the mind or body and then extrapolating to the idea that this
particular system or change is the key or definitive feature of Hypnosis. Each theory therefore has some
truth to teach, but none provides a complete picture.
THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER outlined the concise and general framework for theoretical Hypnosis which
will be used in this book. We may now take a look at earlier theories to see how they can be related
within this framework.
Although the Hypnotic phenomena described in Chapter 2 have been observed for a very long time -
hundreds if not thousands of years in some cases - the nature of what was happening has been understood
in very different ways. This chapter will describe the various ideas of what is involved. For convenience
these ideas will frequently be associated with the names of their originators or chief proponents. The
order in which they are described will be loosely chronological but the intention is not to give a history
but rather an overview of the kinds of ways in which our subject has been thought about over the years.
In any case the historical development of ideas is seldom straightforward. Similar ideas have a way of
arising in several places at the same time, and returning in modified forms at different times. Many
different ideas can coexist at the same time. For anyone who is interested in the detailed history of
Hypnosis there are some excellent books now available (Gauld (1992), Crabtree (1993)Bib).
The main theoretical approaches can be summarised as follows:
1. Spirit possession.
2. Vital energy effects.
3. Neurological.
4. Suggestion.
5. Sociological.
6. Information.
1. Spirit possession.
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Principles of Hypnosis (4). Other theories of hypnosis viewed from a systems perspective: they all provide partial insights
When we look back in time through the eyes of history we find that most people most of the time had a
total and unquestioning belief in all manner of disembodied spirits. These could be the spirits of the dead
- humans or animals, ghosts, evil spirits, good spirits, gods and demons. (Even in this secular age the
majority of people I meet seem to retain some form of belief in such things.)
In societies with complete faith in such spirits there would be individuals who claimed to have special
powers with regard to them. They might be called shamans or priests or witch-doctors or oracles. Some
of their early practices foreshadowed professions which have since become quite distinct. Their practice
would often be tied in with the movements of the moon and planets, and so in that way they are the
forerunners of astronomers. They would often work with the healing spirits they associated with various
substances - animal, vegetable and mineral - and in that way are forerunners of medicine and even
chemistry. In creating theories of the origin and meaning of the universe they were the forerunners of
philosophers and cosmologists. In their use of music and dramatic enactment to enhance their effect they
are also the forerunners of actors and musicians.
It is not therefore surprising that their work also contained the seeds of Hypnotherapy. To our eyes it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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